About Tiko

#1 cause of death in young women in sub-Saharan Africa is pregnancy-related mortality
4 million unsafe abortions occur annually
60% of Africa’s population is under 25
One in five adolescent girls leaves her teens as a mother

Sexual and reproductive health empowers young people by giving them control over their bodies and futures. This autonomy and knowledge boosts confidence and potential, enabling them to do more with their lives.

At Tiko, we believe that youth deserve the power to choose where, when, and how they meet their sexual and reproductive health needs. 

Together with our partners, we’re working towards a world where youth have more control over their health choices and paths, and can do more with their lives.

Tiko was created to revolutionise how the non-profit sector delivers impact. Core to our operating model is Tiko’s innovative technology platform, built to unite an ecosystem of local partners and enable positive health decisions through a data-driven approach.

Through real-time data and robust verification processes, Tiko empowers local partners to make a difference and global donors to realise lasting impact.

Real-time data

Our partners and donors have access to our live dashboards for a real-time view of our collective impact, enabling true transparency and accountability.

Verified results

Our impact results are verified through third-parties, partners, users, and built-in authentication safeguards, enabled by emerging technologies.

Local implementation

Partnering with existing, reputable, local SRH providers that deliver value at cost per impact, rather than competing with them.

Transforming lives since 2014

Tiko works with a diverse set of donors to craft innovative SRH financing mechanisms, including the world’s first Development Impact Bond (DIB) for adolescent SRH, implemented in Kenya. Check out our partnership on this DIB with the UN in Kenya, Government of Kenya, the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation and the Bridges Outcomes Partnerships.

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