
Triggerise Stichting (the Foundation), incorporated on 29 October 2014 is a non-profit institution for the public benefit with ANBI-registration in the Netherlands, as is apparent from the Foundation’s statutes in the Triggerise Stichting Articles of Incorporation and from the actual work planned and implemented by the Foundation.

Management of the Foundation

Pursuant to the Foundation’s Articles of Incorporation and its actual activities, no individual person or legal entity shall have decisive control. Thus no individual person or legal entity can dispose of the Institution’s assets as if they were their own. On the basis of Article 8 of the Articles of Incorporation (provision regarding the decision-making by the executive board and supervisory board) and its actual efficacy has no person with decisive influence within the Foundation. The Supervisory Board consists of four members and is chaired by Mamathlakwane Phinah Kodisang 

Vision and mission

Vision: Our vision is a world where all youth have the power to choose where, when, and how they meet their sexual reproductive health needs.

Mission: Our mission is to be a next-generation non-profit that is exponentially more efficient at delivering scalable and verified sexual reproductive health (SRH) impact for sub-Saharan African youth.

Statutory framework

Article 2. Objects

2.1 The objects of the Foundation are to create, foster, invest and/or manage businesses and philanthropic solutions to underserved market segments worldwide.

2.2 The Foundation seeks to realise its objects, inter alia, by:

a. raising funds and donations from partners, authorities, foundations, associations, institutions, individuals and companies, by means of, among other things, direct requests, publicity, campaigns, and the origination of fundraising activities and promotions;

b. managing and using such funds, donations and any other income for the realisation of the objective described above, through investments into and/or donations to various initiatives worldwide, and the activities referred to in this article;

c. consulting, supporting and cooperating with organisations, individuals and institutions that support the objective described above;

d. any and all things that may be conducive to the realisation of the objective described above, in the broadest sense of the word. 

2.3 The funds of the Foundation consist of grants, donations, bequests, assets obtained from testamentary dispositions and other benefits.

2.4 The Foundation serves the public interest and does not aim to make a profit. 

Strategic focus areas

  • Scalable delivery model: Our goal is to become the go-to delivery model for SRH in Sub Saharan Africa. We aim to scale in 5 key countries – Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Burkina Faso, and South Africa – by replicating the blueprint of our Kenya operations and ensuring we continue to provide the best value for money to our donors.
  • Trusted Results: In 3 years, we aim to be  a leading player in the verification of outputs and outcomes. We will implement scalable and cost-efficient risk management processes by design in all markets and invest in technology to automate and strengthen our risk capabilities.
  • Driven by insights: Our goal is to become thought leaders on adolescent SRH. We will do this by building  a culture that promotes  data-driven decision-making, by empowering anyone to uncover insights in our data, and finally by being recognised for our data-driven approach.
  • Sustainable growth: By 2025, we will have sustainably increased our revenue to reach an annual budget of €26m. We will focus on attracting large grants and core funding, positioning Triggerise for outcome-based funds, and building Triggerise Ventures, an enterprise testing the commercial viability of the Tiko platform.
  • Becoming Tiko: Our goal is to be a future-ready organisation that continues to be adaptive and fast-moving for sustained success. We will transform Triggerise’s legal and governance structure, improve our programme delivery by favouring simplicity, and  nurture organisational flexibility and learning

Work performed by the Foundation 

  • Our digital platform nudges individuals to adopt and maintain positive behaviours by enabling their access to products, services, and information. We use nudges like reminders, discounts, in person and digital follow-ups, and reward points to encourage our users to access and use healthy products, services and information.
  • We facilitate online and offline interactions between our users and ecosystem partners – last mile mobilizers, retail shops, pharmacies, and healthcare providers – in the most innovative and cost-effective way.
  • We use data, insights, and behavioural science to constantly evolve with our users’ needs and provide them with personalised choices that deliver better health and well-being outcomes. Our technology manages dynamic, real-world interactions every second of every day that produce health and wellbeing benefits to our users.

Method of fundraising 

Our fundraising strategy is focused on: (1) building our internal capacity to raise and mobilise funds; (2) raising  additional funds from existing donors and partners through contract extensions or presenting new opportunities  for their consideration (3) Pivoting our operational model to ensure that it is more cost efficient and (4) Developing  relationships with new funders that are aligned and interested in supporting us to achieve our strategic priorities  and to diversify our funding sources. We continued to execute this strategy in 2023. 

In 2023, we signed new funding contracts and grant agreements worth €25.5 million. 

The administration of income and funds

The recording of income, expenditure, assets and liabilities is administered in the ERP (enterprise resource planning), Netsuite. The Foundation’s consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023 were audited by KPMG, an independent audit firm of Triggerise Stichting in accordance with the ‘Verordening inzake de onafhankelijkheid van accountants bij assurance-opdrachten’ (ViO, Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, a regulation with respect to independence) and other relevant independence regulations in the Netherlands. The audit was conducted in accordance with Dutch law, including the Dutch Standards on Auditing. 

How income and funds will be spent and to which objectives

Forecasted revenue for 2024 is EUR 17.3 million, of which EUR 1.2 million is governmental subsidies, EUR 4.2 million is from investors in development impact bonds and EUR 11.9 million from other non-profit organizations. The 2024 annual operating budget of EUR 16.8 million, was presented, discussed and approved by the Supervisory board meeting held on 28 November 2023. The approved budget, consisting of program expenses of EUR 14.6 million, fundraising expenses of EUR 0.5 million and management and administration expenses of EUR 1.7 million. During this strategic period, we are looking to scale our delivery model across our core markets, become a leading player in the verification of outputs and outcomes,  become thought leaders on adolescent SRH and build a culture that promotes data-driven decision-making, sustainably increasing our revenue to reach an annual budget of €26m and be a future-ready organization that continues to be adaptive and fast-moving for sustained success. 


Name: Triggerise Stichting 

RSIN: 854488315

KvK: 61787248

Address: Keizersgracht 555, 1017 DR, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Board Director:
Benoit Renard 

Members of the Supervisory Board: 
Werner Strydom
Phinah Kodisang
Patience Mahachi
Refilwe, Maluleke 

The Supervisory Board members are not remunerated in their capacity as Supervisory Board members. All resolutions shall be adopted by an absolute majority of the votes cast.

Date updated: 25 April 2024

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