Tiko in Kenya is implementing the world’s first adolescent sexual and reproductive health Development Impact Bond.

Kenya in numbers:

  • 10 counties
  • 311 active clinics
  • 1,461 active mobilisers
  • Almost 500,000 services accessed

Tiko in Ethiopia focuses on using outcomes-based financing to increase the uptake of SRH services and products among adolescent girls aged 15 to 24.

Ethiopia in numbers:

  • 44 active clinics
  • 9 involved community-based organisations
  • Almost 120,000 services accessed

Tiko in Burkina Faso, our only West African programme, works across public and private organisations to provide SRH services, primarily contraception and HIV testing.

Burkina Faso in numbers:

  • 8 involved community-based organisations
  • 30 active clinics
  • 20,215 young people accessing services

Tiko in South Africa is reliant on public sector partnerships, with a focus on mobile outreach clinics to bring services closer to adolescents.

South Africa in numbers:

  • 25 active clinics
  • 59 active mobilisers
  • More than 2,500 services accessed

Tiko in Uganda focuses on providing SRH services across HIV testing, antiretroviral therapy (ART), pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and contraception. 

Uganda in numbers:

  • 22 active clinics
  • 11,907 HIV tests
  • 23,464 young people accessing services

Tiko in Zambia is our newest programme, established in Lusaka in September 2023, and already the fastest market to be established.

Zambia in numbers:

  • 5 active clinics
  • 12 active mobilisers
  • 271 services accessed
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