Total lives impacted
Total lives impacted
Total services delivered
Total services delivered
Family planning and contraception services
Family planning and contraception services

The need

Ethiopia has made substantial economic progress in recent decades, driven by agricultural transformation and public investments, contributing significantly toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, despite being East Africa’s largest economy, with a GDP of USD 111.3 billion in 2021, it remains one of the poorest countries, with a per capita gross national income of $1,020. The country has the second-largest youth population in Africa, with 37.4 million individuals aged 10–24. 

Over the past two decades, Ethiopia has implemented various initiatives to improve adolescent and youth health, focusing on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). Despite these efforts, poor SRHR remains a major challenge, with high levels of unmet need and barriers to accessing services. As a result, adolescents face significant health burdens, including unintended pregnancies, HIV, mental health issues, and unsafe abortions, with many not receiving adequate health screenings, such as HIV testing.

In Ethiopia, 40% of girls are married by the age of 18.

Our work in Ethiopia

Ethiopia was the second country Tiko expanded its operations into, once establishing a strong programme in Kenya. We have been active in Ethiopia since 2019, specifically in the capital of Addis Ababa, where we work to unlock access to services for adolescent girls and young women across contraception and menstrual hygiene management. We work specifically within the 15 to 24 age range in Ethiopia where the greatest unmet need lies. Tiko works closely with local city administration offices to implement operations across Addis, and plans to expand into other regions in Ethiopia in 2025.  

Tiko has worked closely with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to implement an outcomes-based financing model in Ethiopia, which aims to increase the uptake of sexual and reproductive health services among adolescent girls and young women aged 15 to 24 in Addis Ababa. Success is measured by the number of SRH services accessed by this group, with funding contingent on meeting at least 90% of the set targets annually. Tiko has surpassed our payment metrics each year under this project.

Our work in Ethiopia

Ethiopia was the second country Tiko expanded its operations into, once establishing a strong programme in Kenya. We have been active in Ethiopia since 2019, specifically in the capital of Addis Ababa, where we work to unlock access to services for adolescent girls and young women across contraception and menstrual hygiene management. We work specifically within the 15 to 24 age range in Ethiopia where the greatest unmet need lies. Tiko works closely with local city administration offices to implement operations across Addis, and plans to expand into other regions in Ethiopia in 2025.  

Tiko has worked closely with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to implement an outcomes-based financing model in Ethiopia, which aims to increase the uptake of sexual and reproductive health services among adolescent girls and young women aged 15 to 24 in Addis Ababa. Success is measured by the number of SRH services accessed by this group, with funding contingent on meeting at least 90% of the set targets annually. Tiko has surpassed our payment metrics each year under this project.

The Tiko ecosystem in Ethiopia


Health Service

Local Retailers



It has been almost five months since I started using Tiko. Tiko is important because it allows poor women to get services at a private clinic safely and privately within their community. Tiko miles also encourage. I use the miles and buy sanitary pads.

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